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Juvéderm™ Ultra and Juvéderm™ Ultra Plus
Juvéderm™ is a hyaluronic acid dermal filler for smoothing moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as nasolabial folds (smile lines, “parentheses”) and oral commissures (corners of the mouth). Juvéderm™ is made of hyaluronic acid gel —a naturally occurring substance in your skin, which will add volume and hydration to your skin and smooth folds away providing a smoother, natural look and feel. There is minimal recovery or downtime and the risks of allergic reactions are very small. At the present time, Juvéderm™ injectable gel has the highest concentration (24mg/cc)) of highly cross-linked hyaluronic acid resulting in a smooth consistency gel that flows easily into the skin and creates a long lasting natural look and feel. Juvéderm™ offers clinically proven persistence of up to 6 months or longer.
Provides a smooth, natural look and feel for 6 months or more
Juvéderm™ injectable gel is the first FDA-approved hyaluronic acid dermal filler that is proven to be safe and effective for persons of color. With Juvéderm™ the injection process takes only about 15 minutes and results are immediate. Plus, there's minimal recovery or downtime. So you can step into your doctor's office for treatment and step right back into your life. As with all procedures of this nature, Juvéderm does carry certain small risks, including infection. Side effects were usually mild to moderate lasting 7 days or less and included temporary injection site reactions like redness, pain, firmness, swelling, bruising and bumps. Some patients may also experience discoloration or unevenness in the skin around the injection site. For the vast majority, though, the benefits of Juvéderm greatly outweigh the risks.
Benefits include: convenience, immediate results, no anesthesia, little to no downtime, minimal risks, and a smoother, younger looking appearance. The exact length of time that Juvéderm smoothing treatment will last is very individual. It depends on the condition of the skin, the location and amount of movement in the skin fold as well as on lifestyle and age of the patient. Juvéderm is affected by the same on-going aging processes that change the structure of your skin. When the Juvéderm molecules dissolve, they turn into water and depart completely without leaving any trace in your body.
Some Before and After photos from the Juvéderm website
How much Juvéderm would be needed to correct your wrinkles? That would depend on your particular circumstances and just how much of a change you want. To see an interesting Facial Assessment Tool on how Juvederm could change your face please click HERE.
Can Juvéderm answer your particular needs? If you would like to learn more about it and see what it could do for you, please, call (901) 752-1412 to schedule your consultation with either Dr. Aldea or Dr. Eby.
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This web site has been prepared to give you a basic understanding of this type of cosmetic procedure. If you want to learn more or have any further questions, please call us at (901) 752-1412 to arrange a consultation with one of our doctors. You will be under no obligation to undergo surgery by attending a consultation with either Dr. Aldea or Dr. Eby.
Please, call 752-1412 for your appointment today!
Cosmetic surgery is an investment in yourself. An investment which could make a world of difference in your outlook.
Peter A. Aldea, M.D. Patricia L. Eby, M.D. Certified and Re-Certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery Members of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons Fellows of The American College of Surgeons
Cosmetic Surgery Specialists of Memphis, PLLC 6401 Poplar Avenue, Suite 360, Memphis, Tennessee 38119
Telephone (901) 752-1412