Useful Resources and Links When you click on any of the underlying links, you will be leaving our website to visit an independent website that is not maintained by us and on whose content we have no control.
These links and resources are provided to you solely for your convenience. Drs. Aldea, Eby and, or Cosmetic Surgery Specialists of Memphis, PLLC do not necessarily endorse any information, viewpoints, opinions or contacts that you may find on any of these sites.
Surgical Societies and Organizations
Related Societies and Organization
Health and Medical Reference Websites
Health Calculators
Memphis Hospitals
Medical Insurance Companies / Insurance Regulators
Scientific Journals
Save American Medicine
Support Tort Reform
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An excellent resource for finding out all the critical health care issues facing Americans, including medical liability reform, the Medicare crisis, and more is the Patients' Action Network. The Patients’ Action Network fights for patients’ rights by advocating for meaningful health care reforms, lower health insurance costs, and more access to affordable, quality health care.
Make sure YOUR voice is clearly heard in Washington, D.C. and in the your state's capital.
Your Access to Quality Health Care is Under Attack |
An association of Americans for Legal Reform (www.halt.org) - A nonprofit, nonpartisan, public interest group of more than 50,000 members dedicated to the principle that all Americans should be able to handle their legal affairs simply, affordably and equitably.
American Tort Reform Association (ATRA) - ( http://www.atra.org/ )- A broad-based, bipartisan coalition of more than 300 businesses, corporations, municipalities, associations, and professional firms who support civil justice reform.
AEI-Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies - ( http://www.aei.brookings.org/policy/page.php?id=107 and http://www.aei.brookings.org/admin/authorpdfs/page.php?id=18 ) - American Enterprise Institute and the Brookings Institution established the Joint Center to hold lawmakers and regulators accountable for their decisions by providing thoughtful, objective analyses of existing regulatory programs and new regulatory proposals.,
The Business Roundtable Civil Justice Reform Task Force - (http://www.businessroundtable.org/taskForces ) Develops policy options and implements action plans to address the civil liability crisis.
Californians Allied for Patient Protection (CAPP) - ( http://www.micra.org/ )
Citizens for a Sound Economy - ( http://www.cse.org/informed/key_template.php?issue_it=2 ) Wants to give back the legal system to honest, decent Americans. Its grassroots army has fought and won legal reforms at the federal level and the state level.
Civil Justice Association of California - ( http://www.cjac.org/ ) A coalition of citizens, taxpayers, businesses, local governments, professionals, manufacturers, financial institutions, insurers, and medical organizations dedicated to improving California's civil liability system.
Coalition for Affordable and Reliable Healthcare (CARH) - ( http://www.carh.net/ )
Common Good - ( http://cgood.org/ ) - A bi-partisan coalition dedicated to overhauling America's lawsuit culture.
Doctor’s Company - ( http://www.thedoctors.com/ )
Doctors for Medical Liability Reform (DMLR) - ( http://www.protectpatientsnow.org/) - Across the country, patient access to quality medical care is being threatened by personal injury attorneys who are driving good doctors out of the practice of medicine or forcing them to cut back on "high risk" life-saving treatments.
Protect Patients Now is a nationwide grassroots campaign of concerned citizens and doctors dedicated to passing national medical liability reform that will end lawsuit abuse and make sure that the care you need will be there when you need it.
The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies - ( http://www.fed-soc.org/ ) The Federalist Society is founded on the principles that the state exists to preserve freedom, that the separation of governmental powers is central to our Constitution, and that it is emphatically the province and duty of the judiciary to say what the law is, not what it should be.
Health Coalition on Liability and Access (HCLA) - ( http://www.hcla.org/ )
Jury Verdict Research - ( http://www.juryverdictresearch.com/ ) Facts about jury awards
Legal Reform Now - ( http://www.legalreformnow.com/ ) Legal reform information clearinghouse sponsored by a diverse coalition of associations, chambers of commerce, think tanks and legal reform advocacy groups. Features research, legislation, court decisions and news related to a broad scope of legal reform issues.
Looney Lawsuits -( http://www.atra.org/display/13 )
Overlawyered.com -( http://www.overlawyered.com/ ) Chronicles the high cost of the legal system through synopses of news articles on frivolous lawsuits. Links to the stories are provided.
Manhattan Institute Center for Legal Policy - ( http://www.manhattan-institute.org/ ) A think-tank whose mission is to develop and disseminate new ideas that foster greater economic choice and individual responsibility.
Mississippians for Economic Progress - ( http://www.mfep.org/ ) Fosters economic progress for all Mississippians by promoting a fair legal system.
National Chamber Litigation Center - ( http://www.uschamber.com/nclc/default Public ) - policy law firm of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. It gets involved, through amicus briefs and third-party litigation, in cases that affect business, including suits that deal with legal reform issues.
The Patients' Action Network - ( http://www.patientsactionnetwork.org/ ) - The Patients’ Action Network fights for patients’ rights by advocating for meaningful health care reforms, lower health insurance costs, and more access to affordable, quality health care. We make sure your voices are heard in Washington, D.C. and in the state capitals
Lawyers for Civil Justice - ( http://www.lfcj.org/process.cfm?PageID=1 LCJ ) is a national coalition of defense trial lawyer organizations and corporations which seeks to restore and maintain balance in the civil justice system for the benefit of the public.
The Physician Insurers Association of America (PIAA) - ( http://www.thepiaa.org/ )
Politically Active Physicians Association (PAPA)- ( http://www.fightingdocs.com/ )
RAND Institute for Civil Justice - ( http://www.rand.org/icj/) Helps make the civil justice system more efficient and more equitable through objective, empirically based research.
Sick of Lawsuits - ( http://www.sickoflawsuits.org/ ) A grassroots campaign designed and supported by Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse (CALA) groups and other civil justice reform groups across the country to help raise awareness of the healthcare litigation epidemic affecting all Americans. U.S. Chamber of Commerce- Institute for Legal Reform - ( http://www.instituteforlegalreform.org/ )
U.S. Chamber of Commerce - ( http://www.uschamber.com/default ) A federation representing businesses, state and local chambers, business associations, and American Chambers of Commerce abroad. One of its top priorities is legal reform.
Cosmetic surgery is an investment in yourself. An investment which could make a world of difference in your outlook.
Peter A. Aldea, M.D. Patricia L. Eby, M.D. Certified and Re-Certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery Members of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons Fellows of The American College of Surgeons
Cosmetic Surgery Specialists of Memphis, PLLC 6401 Poplar Avenue, Suite 360, Memphis, Tennessee 38119
Telephone (901) 752-1412