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Relief from Excessive Sweating of the Armpits (Primary Hyperhidrosis)
Sweating is one of the most important ways in which the body loses heat; however, 0.5% to 2.8% of people produce sweat in amounts far greater than what is needed to control their temperature (i.e. hyperhidrosis). This excessive sweating is not the same as is seen in association with some medical conditions (such as hyperthyroidism), the hot flushes which occur during a woman's menopause nor the ones seen after exercise or after consuming alcohol, coffee or tea or spicy food. Primary hyperhidrosis is a very distressing chronic condition in which the body sweats excessively and inappropriately for little or no reason resulting in constant dampness of the hands, feet, chest or armpits. Excessive underarm sweating (Primary Axillary Hyperhidrosis) is extremely common and is often the base of social stigma and jokes. The armpits may be constantly damp. Often sufferers wear dark clothing to conceal their embarrassment and many carry a scarf, tissues, or even a towel to constantly dab and dry their dripping skin. Although hyperhidrosis is not life-threatening, it causes significant social stigma and can be of considerable detriment to the patient’s daily functions, interpersonal relationships, and work activities, resulting in an overall reduced quality of life. It severely hampers people who are constantly in the public eye such as political leaders, actors, attorneys and others. It can cause embarrassment at work or socially by making normal everyday activities more difficult to carry out and is capable of totally dominating the life of the sufferer.
Finally, it is very expensive. Most sufferers put up with costly dry cleaners charges and with the repeated losses of countless expensive outfits to resistant sweat stains.
EFFECTIVE TREATMENT The treatment options available to patients with primary hyperhidrosis can be divided into non-surgical (topical antiperspirants, iontophoresis, systemic medication or Botox®) or surgical treatments (endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy or surgical scraping or removal of armpit tissue). Botox® is FDA-approved for severe underarm sweating that could not be adequately managed with topical agents. Due to its large degree of success, Botox® has become the mainstay therapy for patients who fail to respond to more-conservative treatment prior to resorting to surgery. A fine needle is used to inject small amounts of Botox® just under the skin near the sweat glands responsible for excessive perspiration. The Botox®
Chancellor of Germany Ms. Angela Merkel |
Cameron Diaz |
temporarily blocks (average 7 months) the chemical signals from the nerves that stimulate the hyperactive sweat glands and the severe sweating stops. Botox® treatment of excessive underarm sweating has proved to be extremely safe and effective. It has consistently resulted in long-lasting improvements in patients' symptoms, daily functioning and quality of life. Botox results appear in 10-14 days and dryness lasts on average over 7 months. In 25% of pts. relief lasts as long as 1 year. Follow-up injections are required to maintain dryness. Although individual results vary, repeat injections may be necessary at intervals varying from seven to sixteen months.
The Advantages of receiving your Botox in our office 1. Great Results. Drs. Aldea and Eby enjoy the artistry of properly administering Botox. Unlike most medical practices in Memphis, Drs. Aldea and Eby choose not to delegate the administration of Botox® to a nurse, nurse’s assistant or an aesthetician. When you come to us, your Botox® will always be personally administered by your choice of either Dr. Aldea or Dr. Eby. 2. Personalized Care. We focus on individualized attention to EACH of our patients and their goals. You will not be rushed in and out. 3. Drs. Aldea and Eby are Botox®experts. They have extensive clinical experiences spanning many years which are matched only by few other practitioners. 4. Drs. Aldea and Eby are safety focused- We never “cut corners” or use cheaper, knock-off, Canadian or internet derived “Botox” (See The DARKER side of Botox treatments on the main Botox page on this website) Prices for Botox® treatments vary significantly by the demand for it (i.e. by region, number of Plastic surgeons and other doctors using it etc.), the number of syringes used and the actual dilution of Botox (the actual amount of Botox in the syringe) used in your treatment. As regards the current cost of Botox® treatment,our fees are extremely competitive, not only within our own metropolitan Memphis area, but also in comparison with Botox fees charged elsewhere in the United States.
Please, call 752-1412 for your appointment today!
This web site has been prepared to give you a basic understanding of this type of cosmetic procedure. If you want to learn more or have any further questions, please call us at (901) 752-1412 to arrange a consultation with one of our doctors. You will be under no obligation to undergo surgery by attending a consultation with either Dr. Aldea or Dr. Eby.
Cosmetic surgery is an investment in yourself. An investment which could make a world of difference in your outlook.
Peter A. Aldea, M.D. Patricia L. Eby, M.D. Certified and Re-Certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery Members of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons Fellows of The American College of Surgeons
Cosmetic Surgery Specialists of Memphis, PLLC
6401 Poplar Avenue, Suite 360, Memphis, Tennessee 38119
Telephone (901) 752-1412
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