Memphis Labiaplasty Labial Puffing, Designer Vagina and Vaginal Rejuvenation Specialists
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Dr. Eby - Memphis Labiaplasty Expert |
| As a woman, Dr. Eby brings superb knowledge, experience and unmatched sensitivity to other women’s concerns. Dr. Aldea and Dr. Eby are Memphis’ labiaplasty experts.
They will listen to your concerns and then customize your vaginal rejuvenation, Labiaplasty, Labial Puffing, Labial Reduction, Clitoral Hood Reduction or Monsplasty to your individual needs.
Dr. Aldea and Dr. Eby can reduce the length of the inner lips so they no longer twist and relieve the pain of the lips being tugged. And they can fill your outer lips (Labial Puffing) with either Radiesse or your own fat, if needed, to create a nicer symmetrical appearance and restore your confidence and self-esteem.
ANATOMY - Many people are unfamiliar with the anatomy and terminology of the female genitals and mistakenly call the entire outside area of women’s genitals “the vagina”. But the external part, including the labia, is the vulva. A short review will make understanding the topic much easier.
These are the anatomical terms you need to understand: VULVA - refers to the WHOLE external woman’s genitals. It has 4 sub-components: 1. MONS PUBIS (MONS Veneris) - is the hairy, fatty mound over the pubic bone. 2. Two sets of skin folds, or LIPS (labia) A- smaller INNER Lips (Labia Minora) are two small cutaneous folds extend from the clitoris superiorly to the fourchette inferiorly. The Labia Minora protect the vagina and provide sensation during sex (Note-their size has nothing with either the number of your sexual partners or how often you had sex). B- wider, fuller, hair bairing OUTER Lips (Labia Majora)
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3. GLANS CLITORIS - the round and very sensitive area of the vulva whose only purpose is sexual arousal. It is covered by a skin extension of the labia minora called the clitoral hood or prepuce. 4. VAGINA (or the birth canal) - is the tube between the cervix portion of the uterus and the outside. Most of the vagina is internal. The vaginal opening (or introitus) is its only externally visible portion. (Note-Neither birth or frequent sex can permanently "stretch" your vagina through vigorous sex) 5. Urethral opening - the opening where you urinate from.
Are my Labia Attractive?
Without engaging in “everyone-is-beautiful-in-their-own-way” debates, it is very clear that many women and men have long prefered thin, symmetrical curves to thick and asymmetric curves. From the lines of the gothic arch windows, to the streamlined car designs of the 1920’s to today’s women’s magazines, TV; It is all around us.
The painter Georgia O'Keefe (1887-1986), best known for her paintings of flowers, skulls, and desert landscapes, is thought to have painted vaginas metaphorical disguised as flowers. She often painted them with very short, thin inner labia that don't protrude, with a small, visible clitoris.
Georgia O'Keefe is sometimes used as slang for vaginal lips.
Understandably, as the majority of women began routinely shaving, wearing sheer, tight underwear and more frequently began seeing both their privates as well as other women’s privates,
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similar accepted and desired genital “beauty standards” or goals began emerging.
As more women began routinely shaving, wearing sheer, tight underwear and increasingly began seeing their privates as well as other women’s privates in films and the gym, certain accepted and desired genital “beauty preferences” or goals began emerging.
Is there a “Perfect Vagina”?
With this increasing exposure and comparison, many women and men developed a preference for the “ideal” youthful genital look of a largely flat mons, mostly concealed symmetrical, short labia minora and defined, full, smooth labia majora with visibility of the clitoris. This “look” is not for everyone but it is the most popular and requested appearance. (Taken to an extreme we have the porn “Barbie look” vagina where the inner lips are either very small, missing or erased with airbrushing)
Sadly, departure from these perceived ideals of the privates led to insensitive descriptive terms like camel toe, meat curtains, beef curtains, corn beef curtains, meat wings, meat flaps, ham sandwich, lady giganta, rooster head, velvet buzzsaw, hang and more to describe unattractive female genitalia (If you are interested, please, consult the The Urban Thesaurus for hundreds of more similar terms).
WHAT exactly ARE
Edge-trim Labiaplasty, Wedge resection Labiaplasty, Nymphoplasty, Labial Puffing, Labia Majora Plumping, Labial Reduction, Labial Tucking, Clitoral Hood Reduction, Clitoral Unhooding, Monsplasty, G-Spot Amplification, Vaginoplasty, Vaginal Rejuvenation, Designer Vagina?
- Self-esteem matters.
- Feeling attractive and sexy matters.
- Being confident in the bedroom, in the gym and by the pool matters.
- Your ability to wear the clothes you want without fear matters.
- Finally, you no longer have to put up with pain from the pulling, twisting and tugging of your labia when riding a bike or during intercourse.
Vaginal Rejuvenation, female genital and Designer Vagina procedures describe a group of operations intended to improve the appearance of your privates (the vulva).
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Edge-trim Labiaplasty, Wedge resection Labiaplasty, Labial Puffing, Labial Puffing, Labia Majora Plumping, Clitoral Hood Reduction, Clitoral Unhooding, Monplasty, G-Spot Amplification, Vaginoplasty, Vaginal Rejuvenation, Designer Vagina, done alone or in combination with one another, are cosmetic operations which correct and improve specific aspects of genital anatomy.
As a rule, cosmetic operations (those intended to improve appearance) are NOT covered by health insurance plans.
Vaginal Rejuvenation (Designer Vagina operations)
1. Edge-trim Labiaplasty (Nymphoplasty)
2. Wedge resection Labiaplasty
3. Labia majoraplasty - Labial Puffing (Labia Majora Plumping, Lipofilling)
4. Labia majoraplasty - Labial Reduction (Labial Tucking)
5. Clitoral Hood Reduction/Clitoral Unhooding/Horseshoe Hoodplasty
6. Monsplasty (Liposuction with or without a Mons Lift)
Alexandr Jitarev/ |
Which Designer Vagina Operation(s) is right for me?
Now that you understand the anatomy, examine yourself with a handheld mirror both standing and on your back with your legs spread. - What features do you like? - What features do you wish to change? Puts your thoughts on paper and discuss them with Dr. Aldea and Dr. Eby.
1. Labiaplasty (Labia Minora Reduction, Nymphoplasty)
You may benefit from a Labioplasty (Nymphoplasty) IF you have some or all of the following:
- You dislike the size and, or length of your Inner Lips (Labia Minora)
- You HATE the way your Inner Lips (Labia Minora) look
- Your Inner Lips are too Prominent (labial hypertrophy) or “Peaky”
- Your Inner Lips (Labia Minora) are too long and asymmetric
- You have dangling Inner lips which overlap and surpass the Outer Lips (Labia Majora) by an inch or more
- You have discomfort or pain from the friction, twisting and tugging of your labia when cycling, jogging or during sex
- Your lips fall out or hang outside your panties or bathing suit
- You avoid wearing revealing clothing or bathing suits because you feel “bulky”
- You are tired of the constant irritation and self-consciousness
- You are tired of urine getting all over the place when you pee because the longer lips get in the way of the urine steam
- You having difficulty maintaining proper hygiene
- Have any of the above and the terms “meat curtains, beef curtains, meat wings, meat flaps, ham sandwich, rooster head, velvet buzzsaw” etc” feel personal and painful
- You are in good physical and mental health and have realistic expectations of what a Labioplasty could do for you
Labiaplasty has a very high satisfaction rate. The vast majority of women are extremely happy with their labioplasty procedure. According to RealSelf‘s Worth it Index - 97% of of the 276 responding women felt Labiaplasty was well worth it (compared to 98% of women having Breast Augmentation).
Dr. Aldea and Dr. Eby are labiaplasty experts will customize your labiaplasty to your individual needs. They will reduce the length of the inner lips so they no longer twist and relieve the pain of the lips being tugged on, create a nicer symmetrical appearance and restore your confidence and self-esteem.
Depending on your anatomy, Dr. Aldea and Dr. Eby may perform one of the following 3 different Inner Lip (labia minora) Reduction Labiaplasty methods: 1. Edge-trim Labiaplasty 2. Wedge resection Labiaplasty 3. The Extended Wedge method
1. Edge-Trim Labiaplasty/Labial Edge Resection Labiaplasty
The most common type of labiaplasty method is the Edge Trim Labiaplasty which removes the excess protruding edges of inner lips and it is then sewn up with dissolving stitches. Most women (97%) prefer pink edges and want the dark edges of the inner lips removed. The advantage of the edge trim technique is that it allows precise removal of as much of the inner lip edge, including its darker edges with little likelihood of compromise of the blood supply of the surgical wound. It also allows a customized removal of excess tissues along the entire lip, including the clitoral hood, with a single incision. The potential disadvantage is that it removes the wrinkly darker edge of the inner lips which may result in visibility of outward turning (eversion) of the pink part of the inner lips. Over-removal of the inner lips (as in the “Barbie Look”) may result in vaginal dryness (i.e. “less is more”).
2. (Alter) Wedge Resection Labiaplasty
The Wedge Resection Labioplasty preserves the color and appearance of the original inner lip edges. It reduces lip excess by removing one or more pie-shaped pieces of lip tissue often with excess tissue along the outer side of the lip leaving one more scars along the inner lip. As with the Edge Trim Labiaplasty, the wounds are closed with dissolving stitches which do not require removal.
The advantage of the Wedge Resection Labioplasty is the preservation of the natural wrinkly and darker appearance inner lip edges.
The disadvantages are that less excess lip tissue can be removed because of tension on the wound closure and it requires one or more scars on the inner portion of the lips. Importantly, the removed wedges must be partial thickness (NOT full-thickness), to minimize damage to underlying nerves and blood vessels. In some cases, especially in the obese and smokers, the blood supply to the lip is reduced resulting in disruption of the closure (dehiscence creating holes) requiring revision surgery. Damage to labial nerves may be associated with numbness and painful neuromas. Other uncommon (2-4%) complications may be scar widening, pizza-shaped notch scalloped deformities, holes (fenestration) openings, overcorrection with posterior webbing, under correction with leaving excess lip tissue behind, and, or edge pigment mismatching.
3. Composite Reduction Labiaplasty
The Composite Reduction Labiaplasty method is a better method. It combines removal of a wedge of the inner lip (or a modified Labial Edge Resection) with a scar along the valley between the inner and outer lip which allows allowing removal of excess inner lip tissue along the side as well as removing an excess of the clitoral hood (prepuce) with a single scar.
Labioplasty Anesthesia - Depending on how much is done, the operation(s) can be done either under local anesthesia with some relaxation pills or under general anesthesia.
Labioplasty Recovery - Labioplasty is an outpatient procedure with a quick recovery. Trim Labiaplasty is generally associated with a quicker recovery than Wedge Resection. Although each woman heals at a different rate, most women are able to return to nonstrenous work in 5-7 days wearing loose underwear (to prevent friction on the operated area). Bruising and swelling are reduced with 2 days of zip-lock frozen peas/ice packs application (of no more than 20 minutes) with your bottom elevated, then off for 30 min supplemented with over the counter anti-inflammatory agents. (Most of the swelling is gone in 6 weeks but some may last for as long as 6 months). To prevent disruption of the surgical incisions, it is important the privates be kept clean with warm soapy water with a spray bottle or gentle showers and gently dabbing dry 2-3 times a day and after urination. It is very important that you refrain from friction from tight underwear (such as thongs). Topical application of estrogen (estradiol) vaginal cream on the lips may aid in the healing. With Dr. Aldea or Eby’s permission, in 4-6 weeks you may resume using tampons, exercising and jogging. It would be safer to delay having sex for 6 weeks to allow the incisions to heal nicely.
Labiaplasty frequently improves genital appearance and self-confidence. When performed in the right women, Labiaplasty is commonly a life improving with a huge satisfaction rate.
2. Clitoral Hood Reduction (CHR)(Clitoral Unhooding, Horseshoe Hoodplasty, Hoddectomy)
The Inner Lips unite at the top by creating a foreskin, or clitoral hood (preputium clitoridis), protective covering over the glans clitoris, the eraser-shaped portion of the external clitoris. The clitoral hood protects the very sensitive clitoris from constant friction and stimulation.
You may benefit from a Clitoral Hood Reduction (CHR) IF you have some or all of the following:
A Clitoral Hood Reduction removes some of the excess skin coverage to further expose the clitoral glans to increase sexual stimulation. The operation is commonly done along with a labiaplasty to reduce the size of large inner lips.
3. Labia Majoraplasty Labia Majoraplasty is a group of cosmetic procedures which improve the appearance of the Outer Lips. It usually involves one or a combination of: 1. Labial Puffing (Labia Majora Plumping, Lipofilling) and, or 2. Labial Reduction (Labial Tucking)
Aging is associated with fat loss and sagging in many areas of the body including the face, breasts and the privates. Pregnancy, weight loss, aging, menopause, falling estrogen levels and repeated microtrauma (sports, tight clothes, waxing) are also associated with loss of fat in your lady parts causing a loss of definition, flattening, sagging, drooping or wrinkly of the Outer Lips (Labia Majora hypoplasia). But, loss of fullness and definition of the outer lips may also be seen in many young women who prefer fuller, puffier labia majora look.
Depending on your particular condition and aesthetic goals, your labia majora could be enhanced by addition of volume (puffing/filling/plumping/volumizing) to the outer lip with, or without surgical removal of excess outer lip skin and tucking (Labial Reduction).
IF you have some or all of the following:
- You dislike the flatness of your outer Lips (Labia majora)
- Your outer Lips are “old looking” and deflated (Labia Majora hypoplasia)
- Your Outer Lips (Labia Minora) are shapeless
- You are very self-conscious in the bedroom, in the gym or by the pool?
- You are in good physical and mental health and have realistic expectations of what a Labial Puffing could do for you
You may benefit from a Labial Puffing (Labia Majora Plumping, Lipofilling, Lipomodeling) Labioplasty
IF you have some or all of the following:
- You dislike the dangling, hover-hang and bagginess of your outer Lips (Labia majora)
- Your Outer Lips (Labia Minora) are too deflated, loose and wrinkly (labial atrophy) exposing the Inner Lips (Labia minora)
- You are self-consciousness in the bedroom, in the gym or by the pool
- You are in good physical and mental health and have realistic expectations of what a Labial Puffing could do for you
You may benefit from a
Labial Reduction (EXCISIONAL Majoraplasty, Labial Tucking)
Labial Puffing (Plumping) is done with either with your own fat (lipofilling, Lipomodeling) or with one of several commonly used dermal wrinkle fillers (Restylane or Radiesse). With lipofilling, fat is removed from an area of excess and grafted/transferred to the flat labia majora. If the woman prefers not to have a small liposuction to obtain such fat, she can have her Labial Puffing/Plumping done with commonly used dermal wrinkle fillers such as Restylane or Radiesse.
If the Outer Lips are excessively redundant and hanging, the skin excess could be surgically removed with an Excisional Majoraplasty( Labial Reduction/Tucking). The resulting scar is concealed in the valley between the outer and inner lips.
4. Monsplasty (Liposuction with or without “Panty Lift”/Mons lift)
With aging, pregnancies, weight fluctuations the mons can increase in size, become deflated and, or sag becoming a source of embarrassment. Many women in the privacy of their bathrooms often pull up on the lower area of their tummy, to lift their privates to a more youthful position, effectively performing a Mons Lift (“Panty Lift”).
Monsplasty is a group of cosmetic surgery procedures used to improve the appearance of the Mons Pubis (Mons Veneris), the fatty mound above the pubic bone.
The mons may be reduced (Liposuction), augmented (Fat Transfer) and, or lifted (Mons Lift, “Panty Lift”) as indicated and desired by the individual woman.
Dr. Aldea and Dr. Eby are labiaplasty experts will customize your Labiaplasty and Clitoral Hood Reduction (if needed) to your individual needs. They will reduce the length of the inner lips so they no longer twist and relieve the pain of the lips being tugged on, create a nicer symmetrical appearance and restore your confidence and self-esteem.
SUMMARY Designer Vagina Procedures
CALL US TODAY (901) 752-1412
This web site has been prepared to give you a basic understanding of this type of cosmetic procedure. If you want to learn more or have any further questions, please call us at (901) 752-1412 to arrange a consultation with one of our doctors. You will be under no obligation to undergo surgery by attending a consultation with either Dr. Aldea or Dr. Eby.
Please, call 752-1412 for your appointment today!
Cosmetic surgery is an investment in yourself. An investment which could make a world of difference in your outlook.
Peter A. Aldea, M.D. Patricia L. Eby, M.D. Certified and Re-Certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery Members of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons Fellows of The American College of Surgeons
Cosmetic Surgery Specialists of Memphis, PLLC 6401 Poplar Avenue, Suite 360, Memphis, Tennessee 38119
Telephone (901) 752-1412